Thursday, April 8, 2010


Many people, including myself, love tans. But most of the time, people don't really expose theirselves to the sun that much, they don't really have time to lay down by the pool to get a tan, or their skin is simply really difficult to change it's color. Tanning beds are a really easy way to get a tan, but just as easy it is to change your skin color, it is to get skin cancer. Tanning beds as we all know produce ultraviolet rays, which reacts on your skin making melanin glandules rise to the skin's surface. There are even special creams that you apply to your skin before getting into the tanning bed that force melanin glandules to rise, as I said, to the skin's surface to be able to get a much brozey color tan and makes the process really fast. Really harsh UV like the ones produced on tanning beds affect your skin in many ways: it produces premature wrinkles on skin, if you have freckles it makes them more abundant and if you don't they appear as premature age spots. It is dangerous to everyone, but specially children under 16 years, because their skin is more likely to be damage by those harsh UV rays since their skin is much softer, but still teenagers among ages 16-18 should never be allowed to use a tanning bed. Repetitive sun burn, for those people who get into a tanning bed regularly, is the main factor that causes skin cancer.

Spray tans are a really safety way to get a tan, it won't last as long but you health will. Just find a good spray tan and stick to it, don't risk your health by going trough processes that will affect your skin just to make it look attractive. Take care of your skin, don't harm it what so ever. You might look tanned and beautiful, but stop to think if it is possible that a simple vanity can affect your life forever?

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