Saturday, April 10, 2010

Stress in students


Stress it had become VERY popular lately, we live our lives in a really extreme way, might even forget sometimes that we actually need to rest once in a while.

And us as students we might cause our own stress, but the question here is why do we let stress absrove our lives? well I think that maybe in the case of us students it might be because we don't really know how to organize our time, in the other hand there it is somtimes exessive work we have to do.

But, why can we lear how to organize ourselves, can we learn from past experiences, we must learn that if the way you make things in the past didn't work you maybe have to find another way to do things, and more in this world in which we live, because this is a very competitive world, we need to learn that yes, Of COURSE that being the bes and giving the bes of you is important and crucial, but in the middle of all that kaos is REALLY important to find a moment to relax and think of us as human not as competitive machines.

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