Thursday, April 8, 2010


In my personal experience, I've seen most human behavior based on egocentrism. Most of the time we think only about ourselves, what will happen to me?, what affects me?, what benefits me?, but what about them? What about society?, how are you affecting society in a good or bad way regardless of your actions? Being egocentrist is a serious problem, that most of the time people don't really notice it. Why is a person a hero?, simply because people named that person so, his/her actions where benefitial in some way. Sometimes we say things without thinking about what we are saying, if that might hurt someone or not, if that might affect someone emotionally, or not. People that help you, people that understand you, people that would risk their life and sould to save you, those are the people that everyone loves to hang out with. Who would like to be friends with someone who just talks about theirselves, who doesn't really listen to you, who seems not to take care of a relationship?, not being egocentrist myself, I'm pretty sure anyone. Boyfriend and girlfriend relationships for example, the couple will soon break up if either one is always thinking about himself/herself and not cooperating with the couple's communication. Taylor Swift quoted: ''I realized you love yourself more than you could ever love me''. Just as we like to be listened, cared, advised, loved, so do others. Always help someone without expecting something back, but I do believe that person will advise you when you need it. Be humble, don't brag about what you have, I'm sure no one likes to be around someone who is always taking about what they have, or crying for what they don't have.

''Stop looking at what you ain't got and start being thankful for what you do got'' -T.I.

Humbleness is one of the values that I believe is missing on today's society. A humble friend, boyfriend, mom, dad, brother, or any other person will always helo you and be there for you. But we need to remember that just as we want to be listened, loved, cared, etc. others have those needs aswell, just respond to them, and I'm sure those people you helped will sooner or later retun the favor.

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