Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sonora: The Alcohol Oasis .. ?

I was reading the news paper the other day, and I found this article called " Sonora el "oasis" del alcohol". I thougt this was a catchy title and decided to read all the article. It started saying that for every liter of milk that is consumed two of beer are too. This happens even with the theory that only people over 18 years can consume the alcoholic beverages.

In Sonora, alcohol is basicaly everywhere : in the little stores in every corner, in the supermarket, in the higways, near the offices, on our way to school, even in clandestine places!

In our state there are 2 394 861 persons, and the Secretaria de Hacienda del Estado has 6 639 valid permissions to sell alcohol in it. In any of the 72 municipalities of the state they could tell you they can not prepare you a plate because they do not have all of the ingredients, but never will they tell you that they have no beer.

For each 361 persons there is a business where you can buy any kind of alcoholic beverage that you like, go ahead and do the math ;) . Yes, our state is one of the principal alcohol consumers of the country , especially in beer.

Beer is so available ANYWHERE! Specially in rural zones, like the little towns all around our city, you might not find a school, a hospital, but oh wait! there are like three expendios!!

The Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones 2002 informed the state that 87% of the people of Sonora consumes alcohol in a variable frequency, when 32% does it in excess.

The consequences of living in this "oasis" of alcohol, does not limit on damaging the health of the people but also affect the public security, the peace in the homes and the person´s jobs. It is a factor that generates poverty since the Encuesta Nacional de Ingreso y Gasto en Hogares from INEGI revealed that 2.8% the family budget is used to buy alcohol.

I think that the people who drink are not only harming themselves but all the people around them, specially their families. Some people say that that is not true but it is! They harm the family in a direct or indirect way, being that the drunk person gets home so drunk that s/he could hurt one of the members of his/her family in many fatal ways; if s/he loses his/her job because of the alcohol, their family will be affected because they will have no money, there are A LOT of examples like this.

Going back to the milk example, did you know that 220 000 liters of milk are consumed, while 452 055 liters of beer are consumed daily? Or that 2 090 000 pesos are consumed on milk, while 7 232 880 pesos are spent on beer daily? Or that 762 850 000 pesos are spent on milk, while 2 640 001 200 on bear every year? Yep : I was surprised too ..


Alejandra Reina said...

I think your blog post was really interesting because of the percentages you said. I mean 87% of the people of Sonora drinks alcohol and 32% do it in excess. WOOW.

In my opinion, alcohol is been a problem for years, but now is getting even worst. The thing is, as you say, that as they start drinking alcohol people stop acting like themselves and sometimes they do not care about anything so they decide to drive. DRIVING? that's the worst thing they cand think about when they are drunk!! 25% of the people that dies on friday or saturday is because a car accident. If they dont care about themselves they should care about other people. If they are planning to drink, they should find someone to drive them home becuase it is very dangerous. It is like the TV ad "MURIO A CAUSA DEL ALCOHOL, Y NISIQUIERA LO PROBO" .

I propose a detoxification program, or to do something about alcohol sales, to reduce it. I dont know but we should do something about this because is becoming worst everyday.

Sofía Almada said...

I agree with both of you, this statistics are surprising, and the numbers comparing beer consumption and milk consumption are unsettling, besides, milk tastes so much better ;D.
The consumption of alcohol beverages is too much to handle, what I mean to say is that people are becoming alcoholic at an earlier age and it is a problem,and it is extremely difficult to take care of it when it has already started. I think it has a lot to do with the education at home, what people know about alcohol, but even when they know the problems that alcohol can provoke they still do it because they think it won't happen to them.
It is bad news that there are more expendios than hospitals, but is not only that, OXXO's, which we have a zillion of, are everywhere, and as some people like to say, they are disguised expendios. I would have to support Alejandra in the sense that I would also like a program to be started to reduce alcohol consumption, but not only here, in other states also.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know where you got the ststistics from - do you have a source link?