Monday, April 5, 2010

Piracy in Somalia

Believe it or not, piracy is a big problem that is affecting Somalia nowadays. It is not like it is pictured in the movies, of course, since they have to deal with reality were inequality and the survival of the fittest exists. I never thought that piracy was still practiced until I came across this article. In this article we can see how some retired pirates talk about their hard life in Nairobi. It is very difficult to get information about these types of activities, so I think this brings more curiosity to know how they lived. First of all, this people are uneducated, that's the main reason they become part of the crew were they will receive money by participating in stealing ships containing a good cargo. The pirate told that he had no other choice, since he doesn't have education. If he would, he would have taken another path. Here I think that education makes the difference in our lives. Every day we see a lot of people in the street that didn't take the opportunities or weren't given the opportunities. Now, it is crucial to be educated to survive in this world in order to have a decent life.

The pirate also mentioned about the inequality they lived day by day. The people who act and steal are only the puppets of the real pirates who hide behind them. They control the entire situation and just sit behind giving orders. They also are the ones who take all the money and invest it in real estates or businesses. They receive only the third part of what they are promised, like $10,000 to pay the "expenses". They are abused to live in cruel conditions and they are the ones who take the risk. However, this is a way they can gain money from the easy way. Their dreams of being rich are crashed with their hard work and low payment. Now, the pirate has abandoned that type of life and decided to look for a new beginning with more opportunities.

This is only just a news report that really depicts the life in Somalia if you don't have an education. Besides living as a puppet, it's really sad that people are still practicing piracy around the world. Stealing is just a shortcut to get what you don't deserve. Why can't people work for what they want and need? This is just unfair for the ones who really go to work and break their backs. But, there's also another side of the coin. Somalia is a poor country that still is struggling with his own economic problems. People will get whatever they want in order to live just one more day. It's a country with a lot of issues to solve from the civil war that leave the country divided in a lot of different states without a government that can't handle it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The recent spate of pirate attacks definitely warrants a discussion of how the world is going to deal with the problem. An excellent choice of topic for your posts.