Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hahaha .. the joke is really GOOD!

A few minutes ago, I read about what our prestigious president ( Felipe Calderorn Hinojosa) of our country declared. He declared that in the year of 2012, EVERY mexican would have access to any institution that offers medical health care. Is this possible? I REALLY DON'T THINK SO ...

Let me tell you a little story. 3 weeks ago, I went to renew my Istesson Card. I was making the line, and in front of me, a huge woman ( I guess that she weights more than 120 kilos approximately) wanted to renew her card as well. But, guess what? the counter guy deny her the renovation!! why? because she was FAT! The woman, with a shivering voice asked for the reasons. What I could hardly heard was:

-" I am so sorry miss, our intitution can not deal with a person with your problems, having morbid obesity."

- " but why? I work in the goverment, and the government responsability is to give me minimum a medical health care free, no matter what."

- " If we give you access to our medical institution, you will demand many medicine, because it is probably that you have hipertension, and much more, I am so sorry miss"

Imagine the face of everybody that heard that. We trully wanted to spank the guy that deny the card to that poor woman. If she doesn't have any private health insurace, and she needs a surgery becuase she is dying, what is the possibility that she has to survive is she does not have any medical health care?

In my personal opinion, I found very funny that comment that our president made. If he really wants that EVERY mexican ( no matter what you are, how you are etc.) have a medical health care, he SHOULD START WITH EQUALITY.

" Al terminar esta administracion alcanzaremos la combertura universal de salud, es decir, un medico, medicinas y tratamiento para cualquier mexicano que lo necesite", dijo Calderon.

I really don't think that this could happen someday, but it would be REALLY good and would show that our country is in a huge development like in this health aspect.

Well, the only think we can do mexicans, is to wait to see the results and to see, if this president, finally could make us happy minimum in this way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surely what happened in this case was illegal?