Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Feminism: The Radical Notion that Women are People Too

"If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, together women ought to be able to turn it right side up again." - Sojourner Truth

I found this quote pretty interesting, and encouraging, and I think all women should know it by heart to know what they really are nowadays, to know they can, to encourage them.
Althought this movement dates from many years ago, it got stronger during the 60's and 70's, and a representative image is women going bra-less, since brassiere was a mean of oppression. Feminism in these decades was mainly led by the American women. Moreover, during these decades, the movement saw its radicalization and along with the pill, women's traditional role within the family changed totally. Therefore, women started to go to college and some women started to get jobs outside home that were as challenging as "men's" jobs. However, this laboral change was stronger during the 80's, when tha image of a women became an icon of a multitasking person who could both carry out her job and do well at home. Also, during the 60's and 70's women started to demand equal pay and free childcare provision. Nevertheless we can't forget women's labour during World War (I and II) when soldier men went to war and factories started to hire women and it was amazing to see that they could do it better.
Nowadays, women have undertaking roles in politics and economics. Since it took several years to get the right to vote, and many even gave their life for it, women are taking their opportunities seriously and many political parties recognize the importance of female vote and make an attempt to meet their needs. Unfortunately, there are still several women around the world who live under unfair conditions, being victims of many abuses. Some suffer at their workplace, some suffer at the streets, and some suffer even at home. This needs to change, and that is what tha quote conveys: We as women MUST fight for our rights. But, not only fight for ourselves, but also for those women in other parts of the world who cannot. We can fight discrimination, we can beat abuses, we can do it better. Together, of course we can.

1 comment:

Michelle González said...

I loved you quote Yolanda :) and i ttoally agree with everthing you mention. I think feminism is not about prooving that we are better than man. It is about prooving that we are all the same and we have the same capacities. Women can have weaknesses as well as men have. Feminism is about proovin that we can do the same things that men do, it's about demostrating that we have a brain and we know how to use it.

"Women can do everything a men does and with highhills"

Through the years we have demostrated that we are able to keep clean our house, take care of our children and work outside home. What else we have to do in order to be treated the same?
Now a days we are able vote and to participate in political acitvities. We have the right to study and work. Unfourtunly, discrimnation and abuse is stil present. As you mentioned, women suffer discrimination in their jobs and even at home. Why should a man earn ore money than woman if they have the same job? Do woman make less effort while working than man or what ?
I also agree with you when you say that in order to obtain equality for al women in the world we need to fight together. There are many women suffering discrimination, abuse and violence each day. We are in 2010 people ! this can not continue like this.