Thursday, April 8, 2010

EU and Russia sign agreement on nuclear disarmament

When i read this new, i found it really interesting because the fact that Barack Obama is fighting for peace, or to make the world more peaceful is something we should be thanking a lot.

Today, April 8, the president of the US, Barack Obama and the president of Russia, Dimitri Medvedev, signed a new agreement a "historical" agreement: treaty START. This treaty has as purpose to reduce or to eliminate the nuclear weapons, which, as we know, can cause great damage in societies.

President Barack Obama thanked Dimitri Medvedev for his grood cooperation on the new commitment to nuclear disarmament. This treaty kind of obligates both parties (Russia & US) to reduce the amount of each of nuclear weapons within the next seven years from 2200 weapons to 1550.

Im not sure if this treaty will work as Barack Obama hopes, but the fact that there is someone that already did something about all this violence in the world, and the fact that people will start to worry more about this is something to be happy about. I hope other countries join this treaty so the world can become peaceful.


María Fernanda Flores Sánchez said...

Wow!! I really hope it DOES work for both countries and, why not?, for the whole world!, I also hope that the other countries from all around the world join this treaty so that the world becomes more peaceful.
I totally agree with you that this is something we should be more than thankful to them! They are starting with something we should all work on, and well starting with the most destructful weapons that are the ones that harm everyone more , is an excellent way to start, since with this kind of weapons millions of people have died, now we are sure those posibilities are decreasing.
I think it is amazing that this two powerful countries are looking for a solution to this problem that is going on in every corner of the world ..

Sofía Almada said...

For starters I didn't know there were so many nuclear weapons in the world, it is kind of scary, but to our relief this treaty has been signed. I think it is not a lot what they are agreeing to do, I guess it includes a certain loss of money, because it is quite expensive, but it is a great deal of commitment, and it is a start that is helping our future to be more peaceful, even when they aren't actually using them, they kept them just in case, or if something happened. So it is a very good thing that Barack Obama and Dimitri Medvedev are signing this, especially when it could mean more than just reducing weapons, but loosing the money spent on them.