Sunday, February 7, 2010


I am veeeeeeeeerry disappointed with our municipality. I had never in my life experienced what is the “tandeo” because in the neighborhood where I live we had NEVER have the lack of water. But this morning, at 9 o’clock, THERE WAS NO WATER AT HOME!!! I tried to get into the shower because I needed to go to Samantha’s house to do our math guide and I couldn’t take a shower. I never go out of my house without showering first. I was very, very, VERY EXTREMELY mad!!
Water in my neighborhood was never lacking because we have a special service. I really don’t know what happened today. This is not fair! And what about our representative’s house? Do you think that the tandeo also affects him? I don’t think so… and don’t you see all the leakages all around the city? Instead of implementing this tandeo stuff, the government should do something to repair those leakages!!
Instead, all we need to do in order for the tandeos to stop being implemented is to START BEING CONSCIOUS OF OUT WATER SCARCITY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Water leakages are definitely a problem - thanks for identifying this.