Sunday, February 7, 2010


A definition for deforestation is described as the clearance of natural forests by the process of human logging or burning of trees and plants in a forested area. Truly it is more than this; people do not realize that when they destroy all these trees and plants around us they are really slowly destroying themselves.

Many people do not know the importance of trees on earth, they cut them down and cut them down without thinking of the consequences, the only thing they ever think about is how big the buildings are going to be and how much more trees they need to chop down so they can have enough space for their construction. Trees and plants are vital for our survival, the provide oxygen to humans and all living creatures. They are important because they keep a balance in nature, without them we would not be able to survive long, especially in the contaminated world we live in.

Besides giving us such an important thing as oxygen (which we cannot live without), plants provide us many types of foods, sometimes shelter including furniture, different medicines and rains. But with the cutting of so many trees and so little of them being planted, we will soon have no trees to give us all that that has been mentioned.

As I said, plants keep balance in the ecosystem, without them animals would have no were to live, no were to go and nothing to eat. Soon they would start dying and leaving us with fewer animals than what there is now a days, which would eventually affect us in so many ways we cannot even imagine. So, we should start to become a bit more conscientious about our actions and start to take more care of the world we live in.

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