Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Government in Our Lifes

Do you think democracy is practiced in your state? Are you comfortable with your social status? Would you prefer to live in a communist country?

Nowadays, most of the country's population are poor. This is because rich people are getting richer, while poor people become poorer. The reason of this situation is that there is a failure in the distribution of the reources, opportunities, and money among the people.

The type of government in our country is called democracy. What makes a society democratic is if it looks to itself for structure. A good phrase that would summarize its meaning is: "Of the People, by the People, for the People..." the People refer to those who comprise the population. However, it is my opinion that a society or government can work without it being a democratic one. There are many countries that have had hybrid types of governments and societies; for example, France, which is Socialist, and Cuba, which is Communist.

Any type of government would work, but only for a period of time. If communism is imposed, at the beginning, everyone would be happy, would be comfortable with government and with society, poor people would have a better quality of life, and other advantages. However, as time passes, disagreements would emerge. People who want to succeed and improve their salary would start to be in strike because it does not matters how much they strive to achieve a better salary, they would not be able to get it.

Some of the reasons why I consider democracy as the best type of governing are:

-Human being is able to take their own decisions.

-Human being is able to vote (men and women).

-Human being is able to respect and be respected.

-Human being is able to practice his rights.

Remember, government forms a very important part in our lives. Lets choose the one we think its better for us, and would benefit all of us.

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