Monday, February 8, 2010

Lack of Water in Hermosillo

A Big Problem in Hermosillo: Water...

One of the latest classes of the first partial, we talked about the global issues and we listed many of them. One of them, was the lack of natural resources. I want to talk about them because is something that is affecting our city. The only difference is that the resource is water.
As we know we live in a desert region, so water tends to be scarce.

Currently, the government is searching for a solution and I hope that they find the best one, that benefits all its citizens. The point is that this lack of water at Hermosillo is a global Issue, but also involves Economics; because it is related to how the government will distribute the Service.

I chose to write about this, because it is a global issue very common and talked among Hermosillo Citizens, and it is a matter that involves all its people. This is one part of the issue, the political and social effects. But also it involves the Economics' science so it is really interesting to comment this events. We are noticed of what is happening in terms of resources in the city, and in terms, of the politics/governments decisions.
I would like to say that we all have to raise our voice, and propose or ask about the solutions. It is a matter that includes political, economical and social decisions; that later will have consequences in our lives, either good or bad.

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