Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We All Need Each Other

How do you feel when you see a malnourished person? Have you helped in any way the people suffering in Haiti? Do you do your social service because you have to or because it is something you enjoy doing? Have you thought in stop thinking about yourself for a moment, and spend a little time with people with a disability, with a disease, children without parents, and old men?

We need to admit that we are selfish, that we think in ourlserves all the time. We never realize that there are other people around us who are suffering.

But, there are some people (a few ones), who have decided to share their time with people who need us. Consequently, some organizations have been created.

Examples of these organizations are: UNIDOS, Un Paso a Tiempo, UNACARI, and a lot of orphanages or houses in which they receive children without parents or whose parents are not able to give them a good quality of life.

But, these organizations need people to help them; this is the main reason why social service has been created.

Social service is considered a time in which people practice social justice, a good quality of life, and the development of the full potential of each individual (which I consider its main objective).

Social service is impulsed in most of the schools, at junior high-school, high-school, and college, and it is an activity that you can experience in your free time. Besides taking advantage of your time, you are also giving someone a piece of love.

I invite you all not to be selfish, share, live sharing, smile sharing, enjoy sharing. We are all humans, we do not know our fate. Maybe tomorrow we would have nothing to eat, or we would be disabled, or we would lose our family. Take advantage of your belongings, your abilities, and the people around you; but also, think about other people, people who are suffering, people who are facing a problem and need of someone to support them.
We are all like a puzzle, many different pieces, many different forms, many different colors. We all need each other, we depend on each other, we must help each other to complete the puzzle the best way!

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