Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Should Drugs Be Legalized?

A very discussed issue during the last years has been drug legalization.

First of all, by drug legalization it is understood the removing of the legal prohibitionf of the cultivation, manufature, distribution, and sale of illegal drugs. Some exmaples of these drugs are marijuana, cocaine, crack, ectasy, and others.

But, What are the reasons why people think legalizing drugs is a good option?

Well, one reason that I have heard around is that drugs should be legalized because taking drugs is an individual choice.

Because man has the right to do what it fits to him, as long as they do not harm anyone else. If a person chooses to put a drug inside his body, he has the right to take that decision, and the government has no right to interfere with that decision. All this is truth; however, can you walk around naked without affecting others? The answer to this question is NO because it is stipulated that we do not have the right to do anything we want with our body.

We are humans, we take decisions every day, and it is stipulated that our decisions should not affect other people. If a person decides to take drugs, he is not only affecting himself, but also affecting others. For example, a drug is a substance that may have effects at the moment or years after. If John took illegal drugs for three years, but then he decided to stop taking them. Three years after, John is a bus driver, and while he was driving a bus, he experienced a flashback, and that cause a crash in which most of the bus passengers died. Aren't the passengers being affected by John decision of taking drugs?

Another reason I have heard of why should drugs be legalized is " People love to do forbidden things". Well, this phrase is true: When someone tells us we should not do something, or look for something, or take something, those things are the ones we want to do. This is why many people say that if drugs are legalized, people would not feel a big wanting of the drug. Even though I agree with the phrase, I started to think: If all the forbidden things would be legalized, how would the world end? If killing would be permitted, who would stay alive? If corruption would be accepted, how would society end? I will leave these questions for you to answer yourself.

The other reason I have heard around is that drugs should be legalized because it would mean less government. People think that if drugs are legal, drug-traffickers would stop their war, and government would not be involved in drug regulation anymore. However, I consider this TOTALLY false. The legalization of drugs would allow government the right to increase the taxes in them.

Well, these are just some of the reasons why people think drugs should be legalized, but I think that if we are suffering nowadays, with the legalization of all drugs we would be suffering even worst!!

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