Monday, February 8, 2010

Sexual Traffic Of Children

You may not hear this problem very often and governments don't give to much attention to it. But the traffic of children is a very serious problem and every year its increasing. Its annual revenues were estimated in 2003 to exceed half a trillion dollars globally. This is twice the value of all United States currency currently in circulation at any given time, more than the annual gross national products of many countries.

To understand the sheer size of profits accruing from such terrible misery, consider this: a million dollars in gold would weigh as much as a Japanese Sumo wrestler. A half trillion dollars would come close to exceeding the entire population weight of a medium sized Australian city.

The profits come from child sexual trafficking in all its forms: white slavery, sex rings, pornography, the sex tourism industry, lap dancing, bogus adoption schemes, the untold millions of children globally entrapped in the sex trade industry who are forced to allow their bodies to be used in exchange for food, money, shelter, alcohol and drugs.Children are bought, sold, traded and misused in underground child sex markets daily. It is estimated that the profits would draw an interest exceeding US $2 million an hour. The sexual trafficking in children is not so much an industry but a global empire.Governments pay more attention to Mafia and Narcs struggle, to try stop corruption,try to give jobs but this is a big problem because people are abusing children, snatches them, never to be seen again.

The predators who control the sexual trafficking in children are well organized. They have thugs who snatch and break the resistance of children; banks who account the empire's profits without asking questions; ships that convey the hapless children from one continent to another and private planes that transport them to clients around the world.Yet there is little or no cohesive and sustained war against this terrible evil.

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