Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What about a world without scarcity?

We define scarcity as the economic problem in which a resource is limited and it is not able to supply the human needs. The most important scarce resources we have are oil and water. Oil is very necessary because it is mainly used to produce gasoline. Water is ultra-necesarry because it is an essential component for the human being to live.

But, a good question discussed in economy class was: What would the world be like if there was no scarcity? How would humans behave? Would it either affect or benefy society?

I have come up with a series of possible consequences that can occur if we would be living in a world without scarcity. Some of them are:

- People would have no sense of life. Because humans would have all the quantity of the resources they would use them crazily.

- Pollution: People would be using the resources crazily; that would change the people's behavior, so they would start contaminating everywhere.

- Work: Because people would easily get the resources, they would become lazy. There would be a lot of resources so prices would be lower, so they would need to work less.

- No conflicts and wars: What is the main cause of wars? Resources. If resources are plentiful, people would not have the need of creating conflicts for becoming the owner of resources.

- Overpopulation: Parents would not have the need to be always working, so they would spend most of their time in house; this would cause families having lots of kids because they have everything, they have nothing to do, and they think they can provide their kids everything.

- No social classes??: I have come uo with two possible results.

Social classes would not exist anymore because resources would be plentiful and the government would be able to organize and distribute them appropiately.

Social classes would become more evident because resources would continue concentrating in higher classes maing rich people richer, and poor people poorer.

If you carefully analize the above possible consequences, they are all related with economics. This is because scarcity is the basis of economics.

In conclusion, do you think it is a good idea a world in which there is no scarcity? Do you think it would benefy us or it would affect us?

I think that having no scarcity brings up more positive consequences that negative ones, so I would really like to live in a world like that.

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