Sunday, February 7, 2010


Many people are now worried about the appearance of being a "healthy" person, we hear the terms of anorexia and bulimia, we fear about being too skinny and not having a good diet, but we sometimes don't think about the opposite; have we ever thought about obesity? What this problem is and how it affects us?
If you didn't know it, Mexico ranks among the "fattest countries", the ones with more people with overweight or obesity. Haven't you noticed it yet?
If one day you go out, try to count how many "fat" people you see on the street, I think most of them will have at least a big belly. But, should we alarm ourselves about that?
I believe we should. Obesity, nowadays, is an alarming problem. Why? Because it directly affects our lives; we have a higher risk of physic and mental diseases and even we get to modifiy our genetic code.
So, what should we do to eradicate this problem? I don't think the problem itself comes from the fast-food restaurants or the fact that we have a life where devices do assignments for us, but it comes from the fact that we have a sedentary life and we don't do anything to change that.
Not because we go to a "Mcdonald's" we will gain ourselves a belly, but we have to reflect about our actions: we have to eat healthy, we have to do exercise, we have to occupy ourselves in something else than just being sitting down or lying on bed.
We also see another problem like the one of culture. As there's a culture for food, there's obviously a pattern of what people from a specific place look like. We have to prioritize our needs: what we need to eat, and how much activity we have to do. That's it. No more problems, we have to start a culture of a healthy lifestyle or our children will be like us. If we don't start to change our lifestyle, no one's going to do it for us.

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