Monday, February 8, 2010

Too Early for Hidrogen

One day I was making a drawing about the future in which I drew an image about getting energy from hidrogen.My mother saw what I was drawing and told me something interesting.

Long ago she had a friend whose father was an extremely great inventor. He was so intelligent that he founded a way to make cars function with water (hidrogen). He sold his invention to great company cars and then they captured the whole family. My mother then told me that they captured them becuase if somebody knew about this invention then all companies that uses oil for energy like car companies, would crash and get bankrupted.

This made me wonder if there are posible inventions that are "too early" for people or companies to accept them. like cloning and robots, or maybe that companies don't make the correct and more pollution-free things becuase if they did some of the richest companies will collapse.

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