Monday, February 8, 2010

Social Status

Today, we were reading a Britain's news about how racism has decreased over the last years in Britain, and how the ethnic minorities are no longer automatically disadvantaged. But despite how many people think, there still are some problems that the government should deal about and start coming up with solutions. Yeah, racism could has decreased in this last 10 years, it hasn't dissapeared, but the situation has certainly improved for this topic in England, but there are still other problems that need the same attention, like social class. Britain has a very distinguished social class defined by the wealth, and also the names of the families with higher influence with people in the power. And unfortunately, this brings higher opportunities to people that belong to those social circles, but what about the other people?, there are still in disadvantage because they don't have the same wealth or lineage, it's more difficult for them to reach a higher point in society. We said the racism has decreased significatively, but it's important for us to see what role do race plays in matter of social activities, ethnic people has less opportunities and they're highly more discriminated by others than white people in Britain. This all concerns with human morals, because we're all the same, we are human beings, and our social class shouldn't define who we are as persons. This matter do not concerns just Britain. It is present in almost every country in the world. We should take a look at our country, is it too different? Of couse we're in the very same situation, but we have to start to treat others with respect and see them like humans, like us. Social status shoudn't be one of the things that people has to consider to evaluate a person's value.

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