Monday, February 8, 2010

Familiys and Technology

it is very impressive in which the technological rate has grown. now a days it is completly normal to see small kids with exotic gadgets like iphones, ipods, laptops, etc. why is this? well, it is intresting, but the woman has influeces this episode of life grow. what do i mean with this? the amount of women who study has grown impresively. before, the women used to stay at home, stake care of the kids, make dinner, etc. it was not in their nature to have the right to study. afther the revolution many of these costums changed. the women began studing and molding herself as a professionist. this has caused the increase of job employments and technological advances. and the increasement of job has made a impact if the amount of population. so it has all become a cycle. and in the future it is known that man kind will become everyday more dependant of gadgets and techonology. the results to this depend to us.

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