Monday, February 8, 2010

A woman in charge

I was eating breakfast, and the news guy was talking about Costa Rica , that they had elected a new president. But the intresting about it was that the oldest democray in Central America had a new president and it was a woman, Laura Chinchilla. I think this talks great about how we have evolved in society, in culture. Before it was to hard for someone that was black, or woman to be president. Now it is possible, it talks about how we are trusting more in the soul that in the color.

It also talks about how well we have taken out one of the problems in society, but it is still present, racism. The society has understand that we can trust in someone that is not of our same color, but some people still think diferent, some people think they are still better just because they are of other race, like the diputado of PRD

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