Sunday, February 7, 2010

We Need an Inmediate Intervention

Nowadays human trafficking with purpose of trafficking or illegal traffic has increased alarmingly. This is due to the problems in economy, the ones many countries face, also because of the lack of implementation of programs to combat it, and of course the huge demands of cheap labor work. Human trafficking is the third most lucrative crime worldwide, next to drug traffic and arms traffic.
This bad situation had contributed for women, kids and youngsters, in vulnerable situations became preys of crimes including sexual and labor exploitation. This gave rise to the phenomenon of human trafficking, which first was called “WHITE TRAFFIKING”.
In the middle 80’s the international community, in search to define the phenomenon of human trafficking, consider insufficient the term white trafficking, that until that days still was used to define the problem, the reason of changing the name was that not only white women where traffic for sexual exploitation, instead kids, youngsters and women from several parts of the world where exploited sexually and labouringly. This is why the term “Human trafficking” started being used, but this term suddenly started to present confusions because not all traffics necessarily involve people.
Trafficking in migrants is given usually in illegal terms, which facilitate the introduction of a person to a country in which he/she was not born or lived in there; with the purpose of obtaining an economical or material benefit.
Trafficking in migrants and of humans are extremely delimited in diverse national legislations characterized as CRIMES!
It was until December of 200, when 147 nations signed the convention of the United Nations against the organized crime and its sub themes like human trafficking. In December of 2003 the Unites Nations started punishing and suppressing the crime.As we can observe human trafficking is a very complex phenomenon, which does not have sexually and labouringly means only. In contrast in this term we can find many crimes some of the most commons are fake adoptions with the purpose to sell kids and organs; labor workers with purpose of forced marriages, and capturing kids to send them to wars.

1 comment:

Michelle González said...

I thinking human trafficking is a very serious problems for society and i also think that aothorities are not doing their best to solve this problem. i have seen 3 movies related to this topic: Wommen traffinking, Welcome to America and Taken.
The first to movies are really realistic; the last one has more fiction thigs but it is based on what really hapens. Women are taken, druged, raped, sold, raped again, etc Not even women but also teenagers, boys and girls. it is incredible how people who trafic humans are able to sleep ! Its really discusting. This world is full of sick people.
in the movie Welcome to America you are able to noticed how the American'authorities ingnored that traffiking is happenning in their country. I like how holywood for example has made this kinds of movies in order to disseminate this kinds of social problems and to prevent people. Girls ? TRUST NOBODY .