Sunday, February 7, 2010

Violence in Women

Violence affects the lives of millions of women worldwide, in all socio-economic and educational classes. It cuts across cultural and religious barriers, impeding the right of women to participate fully in society.
Violence against women takes a dismaying variety of forms, from domestic abuse and rape to child marriages and female circumcision. All are violations of the most fundamental human rights.
In a statement to the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in September 1995, the United Nations Secretary-General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, said that violence against women is a universal problem that must be universally condemned. But he said that the problem continues to grow.
The Secretary-General noted that domestic violence alone is on the increase. Studies in 10 countries, he said, have found that between 17 per cent and 38 per cent of women have suffered physical assaults by a partner.
In the Platform for Action, the core document of the Beijing Conference, Governments declared that "violence against women constitutes a violation of basic human rights and is an obstacle to the achievement of the objectives of equality, development and peace".

Violence in women has affected in all the countries. I think that Mexico is one of the places where the violence in women has affected more, the women doesn’t know how to defend herself in situations where the men thinks that he has all the control over her and his children. Violence against women has originated that most of the men see the women as an object and not as a person as they are. Sometimes this violence has come to the point the men have even killed the women when they are fighting, but the violence is not only physical it also includes violence with words or more likely to say, emotional.

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