Sunday, February 7, 2010

Evading Taxes

Evading Taxes
I want to blog about taxes in this occasion, because I think this is a very polemic topic due to the increase of the I.V.A.. As we all know, the I.V.A. percentage over everything we buy has increased from 15% to 16%, reflecting on the discontent of most Mexicans. But why is this happening? I don’t want to talk about how angry Mexicans are, or what negative or positive consequences this raise is about to bring; I want to talk about one of the major causes of this change: evading taxes.

Huge companies, specially national and transnational companies, have managed to evade a considerable amount of the percentage they must pay to the government. They do this by having an excellent lawyer, who’s aware of the discrepancies that our constitution has. By analyzing the established laws, those attorneys find ways to justify themselves and the companies for not paying those taxes; the worst thing about this is that IT’S LEGAL!! And, of course, that bright man gets like 20% of the money that would’ve been paid to the government. Therefore, many lawyers focus on this area, because there’s where the bills are.

What’s my point? Well, I just want to say how unfair this is. How is it possible that the Mexican government complains of those companies but it doesn’t do anything at all to avoid this situation? How come they haven’t thought about changing those laws to fill up those holes that let rich people make themselves even richer. The WORST of all this, is that they want to compensate that money they’re not gaining by taking it from the citizens again, who are already paying a high percentage. Where’s fairness here?

I thought governments were made to establish order, justice and fairness in a community, but my government has disappointed me with this issue. I hope the leaders of this country get together and manage to create another constitution, or at least make the necessary arrangements to stop this from happening.

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