Sunday, February 7, 2010


Glaciers are melting and the ice caps are disappearing into the oceans. What is all this causing? The ocean is growing and in other words we can say that the meters of the ocean are increasing even more. Now at days scientists confirmed that Earth is melting at both ends. All this can bring terrible consequences and damages to the coastal cities and villages.

We can be finding new effects around our world but even though the experts and scientists are giving us an advertisement about this problem we continue damaging the surroundings. Maybe we are thinking that we aren’t going to presence all this destruction, but imaging if a volcano erupts or an ice age come, or an incredible hot weather rule the earth. Imagine that, we weren’t going to be capable of doing anything.

Probably, humans are going to disappear or maybe some of us are the only ones with luck; but this problem is unpredictable, the time pass and even more trash and contamination is recollected in our atmosphere, our soil and our body.
But the problem right here is not the lack of solutions, because we have them (enough), but we can’t make them work because we don’t have the culture to use all this sources. The world is ending even more every time. There is also a theory of 2012 that the world is going to suffer a big change and tremendous destruction. So, please think about it and try to start from here, by cleaning your homes, your school, because we can’t change the world if we don’t start from zero.

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