Sunday, February 7, 2010

Poors vs. Riches

Often poor people critices rich people because of their wealth and I have been thinking that they are very wrong, and instead of critisicing other they should act and search for opportunities. Yes, maybe I don´t know anything about that because I´m not poor and I don´t need to work put there was a TV show that really had me thinking.

The show in short was about super rich people that went to poor places for a week and they had to decide to whom they will give money to. The episode I saw it was interesting because it was an old man around his 50. He also wanted to prove in the show that you could survive with a certain little amount of money per day.

He said thet people were complaining about money problem saying it was too little but the truth is that they didn´t knew how to organise they money because they spent it in many little things without knowing. So it was interesting seeing the man do all sort of logic and simple things to save money, which required a little more effort. Of course, many poor people donn´t know how to save money because they don´t have the knowledge so like they say, we should teach them to fish not just give them the fish.

Which leads me to another thing I found interesting in the show. The people giving money,they didn´t give it to the people who was poorer but to the people who truly need it and could rise with that money. Like for example, a washing store who went to building for the clothes then wash them and give them back, the man gave money so they could buy a van in better shape. He said that the invested in something that really needed his money.

So, if you want you can. You have to take chances and look for them. Rich people are rich because they work and take opportunities. Some have connections or are sons of rich people but money runs out, so if you want to have money you have to work for it.

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