Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who is Going Greener?

A couple of days ago, I found an article about China being the leader at developing green tech. The article mentions that Asian countries are the ones developing this type of energy quicker. Countries like China, Korean and Japan have invested a lot of money in different types of clean energy, like wind turbines, solar energy, etc. I thought that the United States was ahead of every other country. But the fact is that it is not anymore. The article explained that the USA has focused its investments in recovering from the economic crisis. Since Asia was not affected by this crisis, countries like China focus their money on making these types of energy grow.

I think this has a lot to do with the class because we can see another way the economic crisis affected certain countries. Green technology is the technology of the future. In the next years, we will be needing technology that not only satisfies our needs but also that helps us save our planet. This was mentioned by a report of Breakthrough Institute. This really called my attention because the Breakthrough Institute is a think tank in Oakland. It was nice to find a term learned in class applied in the outside world.

I think it is really interesting how economy shapes everything in a country, for instance its technology. The United States has always being very competitive at being the first at developing something. For example, the arms race, the space race and now the green race. I think they have made a race out of it because it is urgent to find ways of not harming our planet anymore. The sooner, the better. We do not know how much time we have left before it is too late.

Mexico is trying its best to go green. Unfortunately, our economy and our culture are the ones stopping this movement. Economy is a matter where neither of us can do much. On the other hand, we can change our culture. Obviously it is not going to be easy, but we still have to do our best. If we care for our planet, it is up to us to make the rest of the people conscious. At school, we have the student group Greenology. As a member of this group, I have the responsibility of inviting the rest of the students to care about our world.

Everyone is trying to do their best to help the Earth out. But how do we know that what we are doing is enough? The truth is that we cannot be sure that our actions will work; but at least we can try. Asian countries may be the ones finding the solution to our problem. Whatever they discover or invent will benefit humanity and everything that lives on Earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to see this article please!