Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's many of us

It all started with the advances in technology that appeared after the Second World War. The number of children by family increased a lot because most of those families could give a "decent" way of life (by decent I mean that the children didn't die of hunger).

Economy is defined as a social science that studies the distribution of goods and services. What happens, then, if the demand of those services and goods increase and it cannot be completly satisfied? Overpopulation makes a disorder in economy because it causes economy to lose balance and to find extreme ways in which the problem can be solved.

This demographic problem cannot be inmediatly solved. We can't go to India and China and kill have of the people there. What we CAN do is to reduce the demand of goods, not food nor medical services of course, but material thigs such as clothing, electronic devices, among other personal accesories. If we do so, we would decrease the demand of good and services.

Now, if we stop buying all of those things whast would happen is that many industries would brake and economy would also be affected.

In order to understand all of these issues, I want to learn more about economy and be capable to find an answer for these types of problems in the world.

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