Sunday, February 7, 2010


2010 is here and we are still facing problems with equality between men and women. Many statistics show that inequality is something that it is learned at home and by our culture. But 2010 is time to shout for equality we can not continue living in a community having inequialities between humans(men and women) that have the same capacity to make things possible. Things can not continue this way beacuse everyone is the same no matter what gender you are, what you wear, or where you live. Inequality has to be a lot with discrimination. The term discrimination that refers to the treatment taken against to a certain people or group. Inequality between men and women is like a kind os discrimination because they think women like things. The thing is that women are EQUAL to men only with different physical characteristics. In my thursday exam I read something about inequal payment of 21% less to women even if they have more studies than men. This are the kind of thing we need to change for our future and for our kids future. The kind of thing that our parents lived we do not have the necessity to face them because they are not fair. So it is your decision the type of life you want for you and for your kids. We need to shout for equality now!

1 comment:

Michelle González said...

i totaally agree with you Sam. it is incredible how inequality is still present at this time. Women have made many things to earn equality between genders and still in some countries, as you say, women are not paid the same as men. I was also impressed when i read that information onour exam. women prove they are more inteligent and effecient than men and still they are not treated the same or better. Women and men is the same, both of them are humans with feelings and values, the only thing that differencies them is their body. We are living the year 2010, i think is time for men to let their pride go and understan and accept that we women can be and do the same things they are or do. And if men do not want to give up, well.. we won't give up either =)