Sunday, February 7, 2010

Home sweet home

Last year I went to Spain to study for 2 semesters. When I came back to Hermosillo everyone was asking me how was it and if I liked it, well my answer was no, I didn´t like. Many think that is better to go study to any place, except your city (I´m one of those people) but going so far away made me think that it is more difficult than you think. Family was not a factor, my parents came with my and all my family lives in Spain.

But I really missed my friend and my comfort zone, especially my house and overall my room. It was difficult for me to adapt to my new room, I didn´t slept for the first 3 or 4 days. But knowing a city, another culture and a slighty different language. The first days of school when I had to adress a teacher I told them that, teacher, but they will just look at me and laugh, they told me to call them by their first name and to adress them informally that was very difficult, so in the first days I raised my hand when they were looking my way.

Also, there are some words that are different like the ones for pen, "pluma" and "boli" and many others. The reason I dind´t like it was because of the school, it was very difficult and I didn´t like the system. The people was okey, a little bit different from my friend but they are good people. One curious thing I remembered is that in my shcool at Spain there were more male teachers than females and in here they are more female teacher. Also that the groups are smaller only two per year and of 23 or 24 kids and there are more boys than girls.

The first days I wasn´t feeling very homesick but when I was 2 months away from returning home I was incredibly homesick, I felt stange, like I didn´t belonged there because it was all temporary, the house, the shool, my when I was home I was very, very happy that is why when people ask me if I would return I say no. I´m very grateful for the experience because it does open your mind and you learn to deal with different people and situations but there is no place like home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your personal experiences on this blog.

Culture shock is a difficult experience for everyone - and it's something we need to be aware of before and during our travel abroad, and when we also return to our home country and culture.