Sunday, February 7, 2010


So, I wanted to talk about abortion. I know there is one post about abortion but I wanto to say somethig first, I agree with abortion. I know many people will think bad about me or that I´m very mean but I think abortion is in someway is good. Why? because first of all is it the decision of the woman not of anybody else (maybe a little of the father, but in the end is the mother who suffers).

I hate when people say "You have to have the baby" because it is so easy to say, they are not the ones with the big tummy, and the back pains the one taht will not sleep in the night, change diapers and many, many other things so it easy for them. I honestly don´t care at all if a woman decides to do an abortion, it doesn´t affect me or anybody else so I don´t understand why they care so much.

They also say about adoption and things like that but, people look for babies, the younger the better. So there are many kids who stay in those places until they have enough age to go. And most of those people are criminals because they didn´t have a family. Other thing is that they think they are unwanted, which in most cases is true, so they grow sad. I know this will sound mean but, if you don´t want them is better to get rid of the fetus while you can, we don´t need more people to use resources.

They are some cases in which the abortion is legal, one of those is if you have been raped, I will be really sad if I have to be 9 months withe the product of that horrible moment of I man I probably don´t know and have to be remainded of it each second of each day and then when the baby is born to have to see the face of that person, I know that the baby has no guilt, but I´m pretty sure the mother will not love that baby the same if the baby was born with the person she loved.

Other case is if some of the two are in danger. I´m not a mother, so I don´t understand why sometimes they decide to save the baby instead of themselves. I mean, you will miss more the mother, the one who have known for years, the one that has friends and family not the fetus who nobody knows. So it is better to sacrifice the fetus in that case.

And the last case is if the baby comes with a malfunction or some kind of disease. If the baby is born, it will suffer because you like it or not the baby will not have the same type of life like other kids, in many ways the baby will be discriminated and will not fit very good in society. I know that there are some teenagers that they don´t protect themselves and then decide to have an abortion, that is wrong but again, its their decision, their life and their conscious so lets just leave those people alone and focus on other things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was intrigued to read a post with a completely different point of a view to another post.

Thanks for adding your opinions, and giving a contrast for others to consider.

Disagreement and debate are healthy!

Keep up the excellent work.