Sunday, February 7, 2010

You Can Save a Specie

Most of the people are not aware of the importance of a specie; they consider it just another animal. However, that animal forms part of a specie, and that specie forms part of our culture, and that culture characterizes us. Besides being part of our culture, plants and animals hold medicinal, agricultural, ecological, and commercial value. Endangered species must be protected and saved so that future generations can experience their presence, value, and take advantage of them properly.

There are lots of species that are becoming endangered nowadays. But, what are the causes of endangerment?

The main, most important, and caused by the human being is the habitat destruction.

Our planet is continually changing causing habitats to be altered and modified, but these changes occur very very fast that the individual species are not able to react and adapt to the new circumstances.

Another cause is the introduction of exotic species. Native species are the ones that have belonged to a place for a long time. However, when the human being introduces an "interloper", it is called exotic specie. This species are introduced into the habitat by the human being either intentionally or accidentally; however, they cause a lot of problems to the native species. For example, if you introduce a rabbit into a turtle's habitat, the rabbit, which is faster than the turtle would eat all the grass, affecting the turtle.

Other factors might be diseases and pollution. When an animal is affected by a disease, that animal might spread that disease into the other's of its specie; consequently, they might suffer death, and become extinct.

You might be questioning, how can i help endangered species?

I consider that, we, as human beings are able to do is to conserve the habitats: Do not cut an old tree just because you need to make paper.

Another advice is to follow rules: If it is not time to go fishing, avoid doing that.

Another strategy is the RRR theory: Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce. This is a system that would not only help endangered species, but would also helps us as human beings.

Remember, a specie is a living thing that besides having the right to exist, it may also have medicinal, ecological, agricultural, commercial functions; and the most important, when helping an endangered species is helping to preserve culture.

OUR activities are the main cause of endangered species, so keep an eye in what you are doing ;)!

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