Sunday, February 7, 2010

We are all the SAME

One of my best friend died on Thursday because of a car accident, and because of this event, today, her brother Marcos, a boy 7 years old, has lost his right leg and his mom. I started to think about this child, his life would completely change i all manners. However, relating what happened to Marcos with discrimination, I've found that Marcos IS GOING TO BE DISCRIMINATED FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE! You might be questioning why? Well, this is an easy question: Marcos would probably be discriminated because most of the people would consider him as a different person, who is not able to accomplish all kind of activities.

There are many other types of situations in which people are being discriminated. However, have you questioned yourself how would you feel if you were the one in "his shoes".

The Oxford Dictionary defines discrimination as the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group that is taken in consideration based on class or category.

In my opinion, there are lots of forms of discrimination (color, sex, physical appearance, etc.), but they all involve a form of exclussion, rejection, or a different treat.

One of the most common discriminations is the socioeconomic status. People who are from lower classes do not have the same opportunities of people of a higher class. However, thinking in the root of this problem, all recedes in that: A poor couple would not be able to give such a good education to their children; thus, it is very probable that some of the children would have to work to help their parents economically. As a consequence, those children would not be able to succeed in society because they did not receive the bases to create a "good" future. This is why the children of that couple would probably be poor in their future, and this situation continues through generations: Poor families stay poor, while rich families are becoming richer. Those childrend did not chose to be poor, and one of the reasons why they stay poor is because they are discriminated in most of the places because of being poor.

Another example of discrimination is disabled people. Most of the people think that a person in a wheel chair is not able to play bowling, or that he must stay inside his house to prevent accidents, However, they also did not chose to be disabled, so they deserve the same rights as all the people. I went on Friday with UNIDOS (a coorporation in which people with a disability get together and other people go to have fun with them) and there I realized that they are also happu, and that with the help of others, they are able to do any activity (even play bowling).

In conclusion, I invite all people to appreciate their abilities, their health, and their life because they do not know when might the plan change. Also, treat EVERYONE the same, give EVERYONE the same opportunities, hang-out with EVERYONE. Not only because a person is blind it means that he is not able to swim. Not only because a person is black color, he is not capable to be in an important company. WE ARE ALL THE SAME!!


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