Monday, February 8, 2010

Spain sends back foreigners from the country

We may have heard that Spain is now in trouble due to the current global crisis, which has hit Europe and particularly this spanish-speaking country.

We see that Spain's economy has grown negatively and as consequence, people are seeing themselves in the situation of changing of work or quitting it.

As Spain has to focus itself on its economy, it leaves others factors behind, one is that one of the foreigners coming to this country.

As in Spain live many people from Latin America, Spain has stated that no more are able to enter the country unless they prove they are going back to their countries of origin. This is to prevent than more foreigners stay in Spain and more unemployment occurs.

Most of the countries from Latin America have not said anything about the people being returned, however, Brazil has started to do the same thing with Spaniards going to that country; they have to show they are going back, and if they don't, they are sent back.

I don't consider this as a bad decision for Spain because it wants to recover its economy; however, I believe the decision has been taken too suddenly, and many people were not planning for this to happen. I think the countries should first announce their ideas about something and then, start doing it, or else, many other countries could get mad and do the same thing in return. We don't any futur problems regarding these aspects just because decisions were not made correctly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to see you source information on this issue please.

Good work!