Monday, February 8, 2010

Racism against Haiti

Last week the deputy from PRD Ariel Gómez León during his radio program said some comments about the people from Haiti. Hearing this you would think he had said something about being soildare with their condition and that as a society we should join and help them; but to the contrary he started to say tha the people from Haiti are "muertos de hambre" and really despective comments about the people. He also said that they deserved to die because they are black more exactly he said " negros abusivos!!!"; In what way could he think people from Haiti are abusive?
I think that after everything they are suffering people shouldn´t be critizing them nor beeing racist at them, we should all be trying to help. If they were a poor country now they are even worst than you could imagine.
As far from the deputy Ariel "El Chunko", its a shame that someone like him is representing us;he is supose to have if not the same critiria Mexican citizens have at least watch what he is declaring because we may not all agree with him. Ariel should recieve a strong punishemnt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have any links where I can verify this information, and perhaps hear the offensive words themselves?