Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our second Social Life

Almost all people that have access to Internet, have a facebook account and that’s why I started thinking about this; It’s kind of interesting to know how does a network became the most popular site in the internet. I found out that it is becoming like our second lives, we upload our photos, we post our thoughts, we use it as a messenger (to communicate), we play games, and use it for many other things. That is the reason why we spend so much time in facebook.

I’ve noticed that it has changed our lives, sometimes in a better way but others in a negative way. The positive things for example are that we can have communication with our friends from other countries, see what’s happening in the social aspect (with the photos), and also use the free-time, but in the other hand it can be very dangerous if the person doesn’t know how to use it correctly because there are some people that besides doing what they’ve to do, they over-use facebook.

I think that facebook is like our second social live and that is has changed our style of life because today we are more connected within our groups of friends and now it’s easier to make friends because there’s no need to be face to face. Society has accepted that, and through the pass of time the world will be even more & more linked. I would like to learn more about this phenomena.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Facebook addiction I believe is becoming a more-noted psychological condition......a good topic to discuss.

Use facebook in moderation is the message of this post!