Monday, February 8, 2010

"Mexico Is Waking Up"

I saw that most entries in this blog were negative (including mines), but I finally found something positive to write about. I came across a report which stated that Mexico was finally taking actions to lower the huge monopolies, specially in communications and construction.

To begin, the CFE is opening a huge optic fiber net, so small telephonic companies can have an alternative server to Telmex, which has one of the biggest monopolies in Mexico. Cemex seems like it is going to be regulated too, although in this area things are more complicated, since research to bring official proves has just began.

This are very little steps, if we look at the huge monopolies of 30%, 40% or even 70% of the market, but I'm glad that at least some action is being taken. Now we have to see how well it works.
Here is the link if someone is interested

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is interesting however that the CFE, a monopoly itself, should be the one to provide competititon. So, if I understand this correctly, there is still more to be done!