Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Legal Crime

I firmly believe that abortion shouldn't be legal in Mexico. For me, abortion is killing.
If we all have the right to decide if we want to live or die, shouldn't the baby decide to? And if he cannot, shouldn't we just let him live?

Abortion is a very polemic topic. We hear that women are capable to decide if they want to have the baby or not, and we also listen to others say that they don't have the right to choose for another's life, among other comments.

What I do believe is that the legalization of abortion will cause more problems than we already had.
For example, it is proven that more than half of the women that go through an abortion have psychological problems and crisis after the surgery. The "purpose" of abortion is to release women from a problem, not to get them into another.

Another problem of the legalization of abortion is that women can look at abortion as a method of contraception, and it is not! This can make women be careless about their sexuality and to lose integrity.

I think that babies are not a mistake (not even if it's because of rape), and that abortion is not the solution. There are always more humanistic ways to handle the non-wanted pregnancy, like giving the newborn in adoption or to learn how to love him.

In summary, my perspective about the legalization of abortion is that it's a legal crime because it's a homicide, and a cruel one because the baby is inoffensive.


Luis Enrique Aguilar Araoz said...

I do agree with some of the points that are said in the post. But I also disagree in others. I think that abortion should no be something legal or not. What i would purpose is that in case of an indesired pregnancy, the thematic of abortion should be taken to a court or somewhere like, where they should analyze the case completely and strictly. This way abortion should not be that easy to obtain, for woman or men to loose their sexual respect or something like that.
Abortion is a theme or issue that has been talked through time. I agree with the fact that is the mother whose should have more authority about having the baby or not, because is her body and is basically her choice to deside. Also, pregnancy can be dangerous to the mother lives.
Abortion should be more accesible to those moms who have low resources to mantain that baby. At least, goverment should provide more health cares or financial substain to those mothers.

Anonymous said...

I like it that several students have approached the subject of abortion, and provided their differing views. I suspect that this might be an ongoing issue into the second partial....