Sunday, February 7, 2010


A couple of days ago, I was watching a movie about a a group of people which were involved with the Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and were present in the assasination in the Ambassador Hotel, and whose lifes changed. But there was a moment, when in the movie Robert F. Kennedy was being translated to the ambulance, when a speech was being told. It was Robert Kennedy's speech, named the Mindless Menace of Violence. I was curious about it, so I started looking for it. After I found it, I listened to it a couple of times, and it made me reason about this global problem that is presented in almost every place on the planet: violence.
Violence has preseted since the start of civilizations, fighting for territory, resources, and hate. In many cases only to show power and provoke fear in other person, to proclaim theirselves mighty people, over others. We cannot blame those who live near violence, ad those who started, because the past has thought us that fighting is the way to get what you want, how dissapointing.
We have history to prevent us to do the same mistakes that others have made, but it doesn't seems that people have learn to be better, to respect others, and to live in peace like many people would want. We all have a choice, we're not forced to commit bad things, we can prefer to live an honest life, to be happy. Sadly, there many people who keep looking for it by hating others, by hurting, by taking lifes, by destroying any sign of peace that could present in them.
What right do we have to take someone's life, and keep our conscience clean. The victims are from every class, but also human beings, it's just terrible to live without knowing what would happen to us, but with knowing what can happen to us. In this way, we can never achieve peace, violence only brings violence. We are all a family, when we hate somebody, we are hating a brother, to look at them as aliens, as someone not welcome here. We learn to say no to others, to fear them, to hide from chances. We have to know that out lifes are too short, and to start living in peace with others, in a society made by respects and love for others, and stop making others suffer and filling theis heads with fear. Violence is the worst creation of men in history, and yet is something that we have seen since we have memory. Does it's really worth it to make others suffer, that humans keep on hating each others and fight without any intelligent reason. Let's give peace a chance in this world, let's accept others, let's think logically, and maybe for a moment, our fear will take a rest, and step out of our lifes.

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