Sunday, February 7, 2010

Celebrity Cult

People in the world often admire those persons that because of their talent on the field of entertainment, reach a certain level of fame and recognition around the globe. It's not wrong to admire someone, in fact I think it's good to have a role model, but in some cases, people take this into higher levels, creating an obsession for celebrities, and acquiring a desire for being focused about others people's life. The common interest about the lifes of celebrities is presented in almost every type of media: magazines, papers, television, internet.

Celebrity magazines tells everything about the latest gossips about the famoust celebrities in the globe, and it has a large audience among people, especially teenagers. Its caused by an increase focus on celebrity enternainment industry, an example of this, could the television, like we mentioned before, that has various recognized channels which promote in high levels the cult of celebrity.

I personally don't think that is something bad to be concerned with others lifes, only if its just for curiosity. I think that exagerating in this topic is a problem which anybody can suffer, and it can lead to worst things like getting obssesed about someone, or in some cases start stalking the person. Everything sould have a balance, and be concious about the consequences of those acts, mainly, we should live our own lifes without being obssesed about a person that generally we dont even know.

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