Sunday, February 28, 2010

Invictus: a movie that give us a lesson

This movie leave a message in all of us: we all are the same, no matter our skin color is. Based on true life history, Invictus show us how Nelson Mandela become president of South Africa and tries to unite his country, I mean, to destroy the walls of society between black and white people through the National Rugby Team, a very interesting plot.

In the movie it is seen how when "Madiba" (Mandela's nickname) arrives to presidency, people from different societies in the president offices are struggling to have a good communication between them. And of course that complaints came right away to president Mandela. When a black officer questioned his boss about why there was a white working in the same office than him Mandela responded: "Reconciliation starts here. The Rainbow Nation starts here".

That quote put me to think a lot. How many times do we stop doing something because no one out there is doing it. If we want to make a change, why not starting us? Why most of people wait until an entire society is doing something to make that change we want.

Personally, I am tired of people who respond me "Oh come on! nobody does it, why should I?" when I ask that person about why he/she don't throw garbage in it's place.

It is our choice to make an impact of society, to make a change for good in our neighborhood or in out city. If we are strong people, good leaders, we will be able to do more. There is no doubt that Mandela was more than a leader, more than a president.

Invictus is a very inspirational movie that motivates all of us to have an impact on society, to stop with racism, to be good humans every time, that even with sports we can unite a city, a region, in the case of Mandela, an entire nation.

"I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul". Nelson Mandela

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