Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our activities help in the future

We are in school which has a variety of activities, groups, or student societies you can join. Many adults support this, and say that you “grow” if you are part of them, but how? How can a sport make the world a better place? How can a group help the economy of the country? How can an art, dance class, or a leadership group help you in a future? How all of them are related with this class?

Since I entered Tec, the teachers, principal, or people that came to conferences told us that all the extracurricular activities helped us during our life. I decided to enter to different things just for fun, but after a semester of being at Tec I realized that what those people said was true. With all the activities you became more independent and more responsible. You start to organize better and try to help more people. Also you get more mature, you increase your confidence, and you become capable of managing bigger problems. Also, because you are most of the time busy, you start to love all the things you do, I mean you don’t do it just because you are part of it… you become a member of it! Consequently, you really appreciate your free time and enjoy it. You start to understand the phrase “Work hard, live harder”.

But here comes the question, how does all those characteristics developed help in the future? With the things I have mentioned, you can interact with more people, you care about the world, and you are aware of the problems that it faces. For instance, if you were part of a sports team you can get a scholarship for university, you can continue studying, and when you are now working you have already the habit of commitment and working as a team. Or if you were part of a leader group, when you are working you already have the skills of interacting with people, organizing, and also working as a team. I think that if every person could join to a group, society’s life will increase. They will work with more enthusiasm, they will not stay just as lazy people, and more of the world’s problem will be solved as: unemployment (scholarships help you to continue studying; you have the spirit of innovation, can create new jobs), crime, corruption (people could become aware of what politicians are doing, and they will react), etc. So, the economy of the country could grow if everyone does something and create new things, people will communicate more and the international relations will increase. So I think that the things you do in the present really matters in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you are getting so involved in school life! Well done!!