Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blood Diamond: Sierra Leone Case

Blood diamonds are diamonds originated in areas controlled by forces opposed to the current governments. They are used for insurgent groups to fund war, which means that with the money they obtain, they buy weapons and gun and do other illegal activities. It is stated that these precious stones (also known as war diamonds) are a crucial factor that makes brutal wars in Africa last longer. In Sierra Leone, conflict diamonds continue supporting rebel groups, such as Revolutionary United Front (RUF), which acts totally against the will of restoring peace in the continent.
People in Sierra Leone deserve a good life, but these groups are making it impossible. These groups invade the villages and maltreat people; they kill children and men, they injure them, they rape girls and women, and many people have been taken from away their families by rebel groups to work in the mine, and if they try to rebel or even tire, the soldiers hurt(like the boy in the photo, he lost his hands to the rebel's machetes) or kill them. More than 4 million people have died mining blood diamonds. This is a huge social issue in Sierra Leone because of the people suffering during mining these precious stones.
The horrific atrocities in Sierra Leone have caught world’s attention and people have realized that it is needed to stop the trade of these precious stones in order to cut off the sources of the rebels so wars can be shortened.

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