Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lies about Flu AH1N1

"If you don't create wars, create diseases," said an old english general. The farmaceutic market only works while people is sick. Creating diseases like swine flu H1N1 and the avian flu H5N1, they will create a need for medicine in people and the government would contribute big quantities of money to a fake disease.
The avian flu H5N1 was discovered in 1997 in Hong Kong, where only 18 people was infected and 6 died. Then, there were detected 2 new cases and only one died. but it wasn't until 2005 when it spread all around the world. The World Health Organization warned that 7.4 million people could die and 2 million would be americans. At that time, George Bush contributed 1200 million dollars to buy 20 million doses of TamiFlu. TamiFlu is the recommended medicine to attack several types of flu, it is made by the company GILEAD, whose president was Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense during Bush's government. So, where are those 20 million doses if in the Unided States NO ONE DIED? And what could be best for commercializing the TamiFlu than creating a need based in society's fear and paranoia.
The WHO reported 272 deads by avian flu between 2003 and 2009, with an average of 40 people per year. Now, 11 months after the beginning of the swine flu, reported that there were around 16455 deads.
-Did you know that approximately 100 people die each year because of a thunderbolt?
-Did you know that 3 million people die each year beacause of malaria?
-Did you know that 1.5 million people die each year because of diarrhea.
-Did you know that 250,000 to 500,000 people die each year because of a COMMON FLU?
Which of these diseases are seen in the news? ANYONE, the swine flu isn't more than a severe flu and is almost daily in the news. Do you know anyone infected of swine flue AH1N1? if it is contagious, where is their family? Don't be in panic. We should be careful of any disease and take into consideration the prevention measures. WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED BY OUR GOVERNMENT! They are playing with our HEALTH and our FAMILIES to make profit! We should be informed, but don't believe everything said by the media.

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