Saturday, March 6, 2010


Last night I finished reading a book of one of my favorite authors Paulo Cohelo. The book is named Eleven Minutes, when I finished reading the book I went with my mom and started giving her a breif description about the book because I wanted her to read it. The book is about a Brazilian poor girl looking for opportunities in the big cities, suddenly she was involved in a prostituion work. The conflict was that when the girl started earning money she taught that with that job she can actually get everything she had always dreamed, and thing like that. My mom was really interested in what I was talking, but she interrupted me beacuse she remebered something she saw on TV in the morning. She started telling me about a program she saw of prostitution, but that it was really weird beacuse many time we associate the word prostitution with a low class girl, the thing is that in this program the girls that where in this kind of job where middle class and high class girls that where trying like in the book get things that they have always dreamed about having like bags, jewelery, shoes ETC. So when my mom told me about this I looked some articles in internet, and I found one of UNICEF that a recent survey talks about this problem that it not only affect low classes. I think that this is really bad for every girl not only for middle an high class girls even for low class girls and of course also boys. This is another thing we should have more in consideration like many other problems this is also important.

1 comment:

Michelle González said...

i have also read this book and when i read your blgo i started thinking about what you were saying. Prostitution is a global problem, you can find it every where. It might not be a worthy work, but prostitution is a very good paid work. Some woman decide to be prostitutes, but others have no choice. In order to survive and earn money they have to do it. I think that working asa protitute is a stupid and disgusting thing to do. If you want to earn money look for a job i don't know. it is not that easy but it is possible. The respect and careness for yourself is very important. EVery woman, no matter who she is, where she lives or her social status, has a priceless value. I think prostitution shouldn't be legal. The goverment should have more concern for their female citezens.