Saturday, March 6, 2010

Women At Work

I was reading a news article about a girl who got fired from her job when her boss found out she was pregnant. She worked at a bar and the owner did not let her keep her job if she was pregnant. Sadly, this girl was neither the first nor the last woman who will suffer from this unfairness. Women have struggled for decades to reach for equality and stop discrimination. It is a great step that we can go to work and have the same opportunities of growing professionally than men. I feel very proud and grateful for those women who stood up for themselves and were not afraid of being different. We owe them all the opportunities we have today.

I think it is really unfair to discriminate women in general when it comes to a job. A woman needs it as much as the man does and both are perfectly capable of doing it. A woman who is pregnant should not be fired. Her rights are being violated. It is stated in the law that pregnant women have the right to have some days off in order to take care of their baby and that you cannot fire them because of their state. Leaving aside the legal part, what about your ethics? Do you think firing a perfectly capable person just because she is expecting a baby is the right thing to do? Would you like your sister or mother to be in a situation like this? Those women are carrying another life inside of them. Firing a pregnant woman would be like firing someone because is short, has a big family, has a different skin color, or any other characteristic.

Today, unemployment is a major world issue. There are more people than jobs, so competition is all over the place. If pregnant women are discriminated they won’t have a chance to find a decent job to support their family. If people (women and men) have a job, they have money so they become consumers. If they are consumers they can buy more products and services. This way economy is stimulated. That is why we must promote employment and do not fire anyone for unfair reason; we are just hurting the economy. We can stop unemployment from growing by not discriminating women.

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