Wednesday, March 3, 2010

China and the Human Rights

I think this picture is very funny because IT IS TRUE. China is one of the countries that executes as a punishment for criminals, as well as in many other countries. However, China is the leader country in death penalty.
In China, people in the death row do not have the right to a fair trial, which attempts against human dignity and rights. Moreover people in jail, live in inhuman conditions.
Chinese laws punish about 70 crimes with death penalty and some of these crimes are non-violent crimes, such as crimes that have to do with selling or consuming drugs.
Amnesty International thinks that the crimes punished with the capital punishment must be reduced and people in the death row should be allowed to have a fair trial and good lawyers and to receive visits from their families. In my opinion, China should not kill criminals. Killing is not the solution. And we can notice that; since the beginning of times, governments have killed criminals in order to punish them and make the others see what would happen to them if they commit the same crime. But, does that stop them? I firmly believe it does not. People keep commiting the same crimes over and over again, they seem to do not fear death. Death penalty has not reduced the number of criminals. I think that criminals would suffer more in they stay in jail for the rest of their lives than if they are executed immediately.

1 comment:

Jose A Domingo said...

I agree with you in the sense of China being cold and sometimes unfair when judging criminals, however, I think this is being done because of the huge chages this country is experimenting. Maybe this is just a temporaly step that in time will guide China to a better social situation.