Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kidnapping Law

Today, march 06, appeared in the newspaper a note called: "Urgent to aprove a law against kidnapping".

When I saw this title, the first thing that came to my mind was Brianda, a friend of mine who was kidnapped for a month in the city Cananea a few years ago when we were in fifth grade of elementary school.

Brianda told me her experience. She was kidnapped while she was in the supermarket with her mom. She just went for a box of cereal, and suddenly, two guys came and took her away. They took her -eye closed- to an empty room inside a house. She didn't knew any of those men. They started with questions such as, what id your name, where do you live, where does your dad works, where does your mom works, in what school are you, do you have brothers or sisters, how many cars do you have, and others. She was quite afraid, so she answered all of the questions she could. A week passed. They did not talked to her so frequently, they gave her bread, chips, soda, and sometimes a muffin. She felt really desperate, afraid, and sad. The room was very dark that she could not even notice when was morning and when was night. By week two she had all ready lost the sense of time. Time continued passing, and by that time, Brianda already thought she was going to die there, and she would never see her family again. However, one day, she started to hear shots; she got really scared. Lots of things came to her mind, and suddenly, the door of the room she was inside opened, and she the persons she could less imagine, her mom and dad.

Brianda, my friend, was rescued, but there are lots of kidnapped persons who are not rescued, who are being killed, or worst, who are sexually violated. When a person is kidnapped, she/he is never the same again; she/he is affected physically and socially, but in the most mentally and emotionally.

This is why I think it should exist a law against kidnapping. A established statement in our constitution that is able to prevent and combat kidnaps, a law that establishes the right that a victim has, as well as the punishment for kidnappers.

We are living in times of crimes, with people with neither values nor compassion. If there are people who does not care about others, we must care and fight agains crimes, fight against suffering and pain!

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