Friday, March 5, 2010

Burka Prohibition

Burka Prohibit on France
Sarkozy: Burka ‘not welcome’ in France
The burka is not welcome,” he said during an address Monday to the French parliament amid a parliamentary debate on whether the full body covering worn by Muslim women should be outlawed.
Sarkozy also took the opportunity to defend his country's secular law forbidding citizens from wearing visible religious symbols in public schools and institutions.
“We shouldn’t be ashamed of our values. We shouldn’t be afraid to defend them,” Sarkozy said in an apparent partial response to President Obama's perceived indirect criticism of French secularism in a speech earlier this month.
The U.S. leader said religious people in Western countries should be free to dress as they choose.
Sarkozy said the burka, which includes a woven mesh covering the eyes, “is not a religious symbol. It’s a symbol of subservience.”
A sort of controversial subject lately it has been the prohibition of the burka in France and in some other European countries, the french goverment said that the prohibition of the burka was because, of the problem of the integration, because in France there ot os a lot of intergration problems, they are a lot of immigrates there, because of the colonies they use to have, now they are letting people from their old colonies in to France as citizen. this includes also musulms and they obviously have their own religion and their own traditions, and all the mixture of cultures is being a problem for France, because that is creating a big problem which is violence and bandalism, because people who move from their countries to France and not French but when they go back to their coutries even for visit they are not taken as originaries from there either.
So, supposedly Sarkozy said he was doing that to promote integration, becuase when you see someone walking by the streer with burka you immediately are able to know that s/he is not originally french.

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