Saturday, March 6, 2010

Africa: A Beautiful Continent

We Mexicans, as part of an American country, tend to under appreciate Africa and we imagine each and every of its countries are the same. This is totally false. Some Mexicans also think that all African population is still dancing around and wearing a loincloth. This was probably Africa a couple of centuries ago, but not anymore. Today the African continent is made by countries with a stable government like South Africa. Of course there are countries not so fortunate in the economic sense but still not populated by cavemen. We should be a little more reflecting and try to overcome popular stereotypes.

As we saw in the movie Invictus, South Africa is not the perfect country. Its people have suffered from the terrible consequences of apartheid (which I previously talked about). It has suffered a lot of instability previously, but today is the soon-to-be host of the Soccer World Cup. South Africa can proudly say they are the first African country to host this tournament. This event will definitely give South Africa a lot more international attention. I am glad we can get to know better a different country. Soccer is a major event for a lot of different people. Countries get together to enjoy this sport. I hope South Africa does a very good job as a host during this world cup to prove the world they are worth it and to break all wrong stereotypes.
Many African countries have a high birth rate but also a very high death rate because of AIDS, hunger, violence, among other major issues. I read they do not have a really good situation about women and children. They are the weakest and in African countries they are usually unprotected. I think African countries may seem way behind compared to American or European countries. Before under appreciating them and their people we need to think they have recently gotten independence and they started from scratch. They are barely getting started and trying to settle themselves. There are a lot of economic, cultural and international issues keeping them from moving forward. We should show solidarity for these countries and have consideration for their people. Africans are people with feelings, thoughts, dreams and hopes just like any of us.

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